Page 71 - AlNashra Year 2024 Issue 04
P. 71

her husband's curiosity existed, while he was     believe. From the conversation, we learn that
reading the part that was in his possession,      the Lord did not underestimate his doubt.
unbeknownst to his wife. Thus, this man was       Rather, He appeared to Thomas again, on the
greatly moved by what he was reading, and         eighth day, saying, “Thomas, see my hands.
the Word of God began to affect him deeply,       Reach out your hand and put it into my side.
to the extent that reading the Gospel became      Stop doubting and believe.” Thomas cried
a daily habit he could not give up. Ever since,   out before Him, “My Lord and my God, and
he felt a strong desire to confess and be honest  he worshipped him” (John 20:24-29). With
with his wife about the matter. So, he did. He    this attitude, Thomas portrays every young
revealed to his wife that he had been reading     man/woman, characterized by dissatisfaction
the Bible, and expressed his desire to have the   with what is told to them and by insistence
part she possessed in exchange for the one he     to search for the truth. In this pursuit for the
had. Thus, the couple rejoiced together and       truth, doubt often arises, which is natural,
began reading the Word of God together.           and even legitimate, bringing much positivity
Now, returning to the title “Youth and            into this doubt. As for how we experience
Liturgical Life,” the term “youth” captures       this matter—how we live the mystery of the
our attention. You may be well aware that         Lord who trampled death and rose from the
young people possess many qualities specific      dead—it is through the Divine Liturgy: The
to this stage of life. Youth embody unique        Lord’s presence among us and our presence
qualities such as daring, boldness, and a         before Him. Liturgy is, in one way or another,
quest for the truth, etc. In this context, I am   the turning of Heaven to Earth and the
reminded of the Apostle Thomas, the young         elevation of Earth to Heaven. It evokes the
Thomas as the Church portrays him. It is well     mystery of the Cross, allowing Christ to dwell
known that referring to the Apostle Thomas        within us and lead us to our sanctification
is associated, in the biblical context, with      and salvation.
doubt, followed by certainty and deep faith.      The liturgy is lived in many forms. When
When the Apostles informed him that they          the Holy Fathers reflect on Liturgy, they
had seen the Lord after His Resurrection,         emphasize both personal prayer and
he insisted that he must see for himself and      communal prayer. Personal prayer is what
touch the print of the nails in His body to       the faithful perform at heart, wherever they

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