Page 73 - AlNashra Year 2024 Issue 04
P. 73

the past and continues into the present. In        image of the Church that is formed with and
other words, an action possesses the quality       around the Lamb. Accordingly, this liturgy is
of being present. It is an action that took place  celebrated in the Eucharistic service, which is
once in history, and yet happens today and         a recollection of the Heavenly Liturgy where
every day, with the same effectiveness and the     Christ, the Sacrificed Lamb for us, is truly
same force. The Liturgy makes the mystery of       present with us and among us. He stands at
Christ present “here and now.” In the mystery      the center and we- the living and dead, the
of Christ, we penetrate time and space, which      Militant, Penitent and Triumphant Church-
is why I said earlier that in this mystery, the    gather around Him to form the Church. This
Heavens turn toward the Earth so that the          image, as I mentioned earlier, transcends time
Earth is elevated toward the Heavens. The          and space because it unites those who are
same logic applies to the event of Nativity.       scattered. It brings together the saints from
During this Feast, we also chant, “Today He        different times and places with the dead and
is born of a Virgin…” since Jesus, historically    the living from different places. The liturgical
born of the Virgin in the flesh more than two      services of the Church enable us to live truly
thousand years ago, is born anew in each           the mystery of the Cross-—the mystery of
one of us here and now. Last but not least,        Christ who died and rose from the dead. This
in preparation for the Divine Liturgy, when        also explains the custom of Christians, from
the priest prepares the Prosphora or offering      the beginning of the spread of Christianity
(as we commonly say), what is formed on the        until today, to cry out collectively, "Christ
paten? The following is formed: the stamp          is risen, He is truly risen"; it is Liturgy. In
in the middle of the Prosphoron (the Holy          the Matins prayer, we recite, “Having beheld
Bread), which is the Lamb. The priest cuts it      the Resurrection of Christ, let us worship
out and places it in the middle of the paten.      the holy Lord Jesus, the only sinless one…,”
To his right, he places the piece for the Virgin   meaning that, through Liturgy, we enter into
Mary; to his left, the pieces for the ranks of     the essence of this mystery – the mystery
angels, saints, prophets, apostles, martyrs,       of the Crucified and Risen Christ – and its
righteous, etc., and below it, the pieces for the  Truth.
living and dead for whose health or repose of      In the context of this talk, I recall a book by
souls the offerings were offered. This is the      Father Matta El Meskeen entitled Orthodox

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