Page 74 - AlNashra Year 2024 Issue 04
P. 74
Prayer Life, a highly valuable book on prayer, Hermas”. In this book, Hermas narrates a
in which the author discusses the nature of vision in which he describes how the believer
prayer, its necessity, effectiveness, obstacles, experiences the mystery of the Church and
levels, and more. The book also includes a the Kingdom. In this story, and in what
collection of sayings of the Holy Fathers. For resembles a vision, Hermas encounters an
example, Saint John Chrysostom says, “When ugly, disheveled aged lady. Upon first seeing
you pray, do you not speak with God? What her, he is repulsed, yet he insists on conversing
great privilege is that?” Prayer transforms with her. He speaks with her second time,
fleshly hearts into spiritual hearts, lukewarm and she remains just as ugly. However, “In the
hearts into fervent and zealous hearts, and third vision he saw her younger and fair and
human hearts into heavenly hearts. Father gladsome, and her form fair. For just as when
Tikhon says, “Beloved Christians taste and see to some mourner comes some piece of good
that the Lord is good.” St. John Chrysostom tidings, immediately he forgets his former
also affirms, “By the love of God the heart sorrows, and admits nothing but the tidings
remains on fire.” He further adds, “It is clear, which he has heard, and is strengthened
I think, that it is impossible for the human thenceforth unto that which is good, and his
soul to accumulate virtue without prayer. For spirit is renewed by reason of the joy which
how can a person strive for a virtue without he has received; so also you have received a
asking, supplicating, and prostrating before renewal of your spirits by seeing these good
the Giver of virtues?” things.” This vision mirrors the experience of
My dearly beloved, the purpose of sharing any young person encountering the Church
these patristic sayings - merely drops in the for the first time. At first glance, they may
ocean - is to emphasize that the Liturgy is, find Her strange, unfamiliar, and even off-
in fact and in truth, an introduction into the putting. However, like Thomas, if they say,
divine presence; it is an entrance into the “I wish to see and experience for myself”
mystery of Christ, Risen from the dead, and only afterward the beautiful image will be
a living of the Mystery of the Kingdom. In gradually revealed to them. The church,
this context, I am reminded of a book from which once appeared to be a strange-looking
ancient Christian literature, dating back to the aged lady, truly transforms, in their view,
second century AD, called “the Shephderd of into a beautiful young girl, captivating them,
73 Issue 4 - 2024