Page 72 - AlNashra Year 2024 Issue 04
P. 72

may be —at home, at work, or in any other       and unto eternal life... and so forth with the
setting. Communal prayer, on the other hand,    mysteries. The liturgical prayers, whether in
is performed in the church, in participation    various liturgical or temporal cycles, coupled
with the community of believers. Communal       with personal prayers, bring us into the
prayers are divided into two main categories.   presence of the Lord, making Him in the
The first is what we call church services, or   midst of our lives. Through Him, our lives
prayers of praise. The second is the mysteries  are sanctified, and we are transformed from
(sacraments). Prayers of praise (which are      ordinary people into beings of praise. This
distinct from the mysteries) involve thanking   transformation occurs in the Divine Liturgy
the Lord, offering Him supplication, and        as the priest prepares for the Great Entrance
prostrating before Him, acknowledging           (the Great Procession). During this moment,
His greatness, and asking Him for what we       the choir chants the Cherubic Hymn, “We,
desire. The sacraments are prayers that are     who mystically represent the Cherubim…”
set apart from other prayers of praise by the   Who is being addressed in this hymn? It is
presence of the Holy Spirit in each one of      us —the community of faithful —gathered
us. The Holy Spirit works in a person’s life    in the Holy Church to celebrate the Mystery
for their sanctification and growth in Christ   of Thanksgiving. This signifies that, in the
Jesus. For instance, in baptism, the Holy       Divine Liturgy, we are no longer ordinary
Spirit comes upon the water and the oil to      people; we become like angels. The reason
sanctify them. The Holy Spirit also descends    is what we perform is not a merely human
upon the baptized child to sanctify him/her     act, that is, “That we may receive the King of
and give him/her a new birth in Christ Jesus,   all.” Liturgy is specifically this act of praise,
to make him/her a member of the Church          in which we become angels.
of Christ. Likewise, in the Divine Liturgy      In this context, I recall the hymn “Today He
(Mystery of Thanksgiving - the Eucharist),      Was Hunged upon the Tree.” How can we
the Holy Spirit comes upon the offerings, the   say “today...” when the Lord was hung upon
bread and wine, transforming them into the      the tree on this day two thousand years ago?
precious Body and Blood of the Lord. We         The answer is simple: Liturgy is not an action
partake of these for the sanctification of the  in the past that had ended, but rather an act
soul and body, and for the forgiveness of sins  of praise and sanctification that happened in

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