Patriarch John X Visits the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of New…
2023-07-12Patriarch John X Visits the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of New York and All North America New York, July 12, 2023 His…
Patriarch receives President of the Christian Culture and Heritage Support Fund
2023-06-13Patriarch receives President of the Christian Culture and Heritage Support Fund Damascus 3 June 2020 Patriarch John X at the…
Conference of the General Secretariat of Youth Orthodox Movement Al-Balmond,…
2023-05-19Conference of the General Secretariat of Youth Orthodox Movement Al-Balmond, May 19th 2023 "Love Jesus, read the bible, memorize it. Fast and…
Patriarch John X receives Dr. Sami Abi Al-Muna, Sheikh Al-Akl of the Unitarian…
2022-10-19Patriarch John X receives Dr. Sami Abi Al-Muna, Sheikh Al-Akl of the Unitarian Druze Community. Balamand, October 19, 2022 His Beatitude,…