Ordinations for the two elected bishops Gregory Al-Khoury Abdallah and Qais…
2014-10-21Ordinations for the two elected bishops Gregory Al-Khoury Abdallah and Qais Sadeq His Beatitude John X, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, will…
Patriarch John X in an official visit to Greece,
2014-10-21Patriarch John X in an official visit to Greece, His Beatitude John X, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, is leaving to Greece in an official…
Patriarch John X received the Greece Ambassador accompanied by charge…
2014-10-10Patriarch John X received at the Patriarchal headquarters in Balamand the Greek Ambassador in Lebanon Mrs. Katerina Bora accompanied by the charge…
The fist of profit Eilias - St. Eilias Church - Al Tabale - Damascus
2014-07-20The fist of profit Eilias - St. Eilias Church - Al Tabale - Damascus
Archbishop Joseph Elected Metropolitan of All North America
2014-07-03His Eminence Archbishop Joseph has been elected Metropolitan of New York and All North America by the Holy Synod of Antioch in its extraordinary…
His Beatitude John X meets the team work of the Department of Ecumenical…
2014-06-11His Beatitude John X meets the team work of the Department of Ecumenical Relations and Development His Beatitude John X met the work team of…
His Beatitude John X at the Antiochian Church in Dubai
2014-05-16In an atmosphere of extreme joy, with the presence of a large congregation from Dubai, Abu-Dhabi and Sharja who filled the church of Annunciation in…
His Beatitude John X meets the governer of Sharja Sheikh Sultan Al-Qasimy
2014-05-14Within His pastoral and official visit to the United Arab Emirates, His Beatitude John X met His Excellency Sheikh Sultan Al-Qasimy governer of…