St. Vladimir’s is known throughout the world by its professors who are…
2015-07-27Speech of Patriarch John xIn St. Vladimir seminary, New York 27 July 2015Your Beatitude, Archbishop TIKHON, Chairman of the Board of Trustees and…
We are not born to be refugees in foreign lands. We are not prepared for…
2015-07-25Speech of His Beatitude John X25 July 2015, USAHis Eminence Metropolitan Joseph, Your Eminences, Graces, Distinguished Members of the…
The East, the lighthouse of all the world, is wounded. Instead of peace, we…
2014-12-06The speech of His Beatitude John XAt the Enthronement of His Eminence Joseph ZehlaouiNew York, Your Eminence, Metropolitan Joseph, Brother hierarchs…
O Antioch lift up your eyes and look around for your sons came like the pearls…
2014-06-29Homily of H.B. Patriarch John XIn the Holy Liturgy celebrated at BalamandOn June 29th 2014On the Feast of the Antiochian See “O Antioch…
The Homily of His Beatitude John X In the Bright Monday, at Mariamite Church
2014-04-21Dear Beloved; “Blessed is the stone that covered and revealed the Resurrection of Jesus Christ! Blessed is That Who opens hearts like graves.…
The Homily of His Beatitude John X; In the Holy Pasch
2014-04-20The Homily of His Beatitude John X;In the Holy Pascha, Damascus, the Mariamite Church 2014 “Christ is risen, and the angels rejoice! Christ is…
The Homily of His Beatitude in the Good Friday, Damascus, the Church of the…
2014-04-18“Mourn not for me, O mother, in the day of my passions.For this day I have came down from heaven like mannaNot upon mount Sinai, but in thy…
O come, you the heavenly Bridegroom! Crash the darkness of these times and fill…
2014-04-13His Beatitude’s Homily In Palm Sunday, Damascus April 13, 2014 My beloved, Our feast today is the feast of salvation. And in Arabic the…