Antiochian Orthodox Media Center
Antiochian Orthodox Media Center
The Antiochian Orthodox Media Center
The Antiochian Orthodox Media Center is a patriarchal institution established at the initiative of His Beatitude John X, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East by a decree of the Holy Synod of Antioch during its session of June 20, 2013 in Balamand. The objective was to elaborate an Orthodox media that responds to the needs of the speedy and effective media world, spreading the Gospel and the news of the Patriarchate to the world in the modern language.
The AOMC activities cover the following scopes:
The Antiochian See
-The Patriarch
- Patriarchal Homilies and messages
- The Holy Synod and Archdioceses
- Antiochian Conferences
- News the Antiochian See in the homeland and overseas
Christian Teaching
- Bible facts -Truths of Faith- Explaining Icons – Pastoral activities- Interviews
- Filmed reports and documentaries – The Christian family- Saints
Liturgical Life
Liturgical Services and the Bible-The Typikon - Explanations of Prayer services and the feasts of the Lord
AOMC sets out from the vision of the Antiochian Church, which was formulated by His Beatitude Patriarch John X in his enthronement encyclical. The Patriarch stressed that, as Antiochians, we “must express the truth of our faith and our service to the Word in the modern language and methods, while using cutting-edge technologies. We cannot be alienated from our children and our societies."
AOMC interprets the Patriarch’s promise, upon assuming the throne, to “work with specialists in all fields, so that we may minister to the Word through a professional Media Center”.
AOMC Mission
1- Forming an Orthodox Antiochian media that stands out by adopting the latest technologies, while being centered on the risen Christ, the Conqueror of death, for the life of the world.
2- Facing the challenges that our society poses to the faithful in accordance with the requirements of the Gospel. Transmitting the Orthodox spirituality into the modern world, in a vivid and refurbished up-to-date manner that reaches all age groups.
3- Highlighting the characteristics of the Orthodox Antiochian identity, its experiences of asceticism, holiness, prayer, knowledge and art, and being open to the Antiochian experiences in other Christian churches all over the Antiochian land. It is hoped that this would activate the dialogue of love with these churches and fill the gap created by mutual ignorance.
4- Witnessing for Christ in the Arab world and explaining Christian thought, especially with regard to the Antiochian Church’s approach concerning world affairs. The aim is to establish a society ruled by values such as freedom, justice, and peace.
5- Communicating with the children of the Antiochian Church in the homeland and overseas. This is done by conveying to them the Good News of the Gospel and building bridges among them by transmitting the news of the Antiochian Dioceses and imparting information on the historical and contemporary facts of the Antiochian heritage.
AOMC Vision and Work Plan
AOMC deploys efforts to implement the synodal Antiochian policy for Christian media. Its work is supervised by a board of trustees, a board of directors, and a team of full-time professionals.
AOMC also relies, for a large part, on volunteering and the inherited Antiochian experience in the media field.
AOMC currently runs the online platforms of the Patriarchate (website, Facebook page, YouTube channel) and takes in charge publishing the Patriarchate magazine “Al Nashra”, booklets for children, and other patriarchal publications.
AOMC has also launched the Voice of Grace, an FM radio station, which has a frequency coverage from Beirut to Latakia, an internet broadcast, and a mobile application (Voice of Grace App).
AOMC specializes in the production of Antiochian Orthodox audio-visual material.
The sower went out to saw ... across the nations ...
Address: Antiochian Orthodox Media Center
P.O. Box 100 Tripoli, Lebanon
Telephone: 009616933256 - 009616933259
Fax: 009616933256 ext. 644
Email: [email protected]
WahtsApp: 0096176999126