Paschal Letter - 2014
2014-04-18By God’s MercyJohn X, Patriarch of Antioch and all EastBrethren, Pastors of the Holy Church of Antioch;Beloved sons and daughters everywhere in…
The Great Lent: When mercy dries up, fasting suffers drought
By God's mercyJohn X, Patriarch of Antioch and all EastBrethren, Pastors of the Holy Church of Antioch;Beloved children in all dioceses in this…
Pastoral Letter - Christmas 2013
2013-12-20With the mercy of God Almighty John XGreek-Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East ToMy brothers, pastors of the Holy Antiochian ChurchAnd…
Pastoral Letter On the Occasion of the Antiochian Day of Solidarity
2013-08-06By the mercy of God John X Patriarch of Antioch and All the East Giving is the Criterion of our Belonging to the Reign of…
True resurrection is never separated from the Cross - Paschal Letter
2013-05-05With the Mercy of God John X Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and all the East To all our beloved in the Lord the children of the Antiochian…
Let the Resurrection occur in every human heart - Pastoral Letter
2013-04-27With the Mercy of God John XGreek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the EastTo my brethren, the Shepherds of the Holy Church of Antiochand my…
Pastoral letter
2013-02-17Patriarch of Antioch and all the EastPastoral Letter"In Grace we grow,In service we transcendAnd in love the structure is…