“There is no such thing as corruption, but there are corrupt people who create…
2021-07-25“There is no such thing as corruption, but there are corrupt people who create corruption. Likewise, there are righteous people who do what is…
For the New Year 2021 from the Patriarchal Cathedral “Maryamiyya” in Damascus
2021-01-01For the New Year 2021 from the Patriarchal Cathedral “Maryamiyya” in Damascus January 1, 2021 Dear beloved ones, With supplicant eyes…
The Speech of His Beatitude John X Patriarch of Antioch and All the East
2020-10-02The Speech of His Beatitude John X Patriarch of Antioch and All the East The Inauguration Ceremony of Dr. Farzat Ayoub University…
At the beginning of this blessed fast of the Virgin
2020-08-01By the mercy of God AlmightyJohn XPatriarch of Antioch and All the EasttoMy brothers, Pastors of the Holy Church of AntiochMy sons and daughters,…
Homily of His Beatitude John X for the New Year AD
2020-01-01Homily of His Beatitude John X for the New Year AD St Mary’s Cathedral- Damascus, January 1, 2020 Beloved ones, At the…
25th Anniversary of the Department of Ecumenical Relations and Development
2019-11-09His Beatitude John X on the 25th Anniversary of the Department of Ecumenical Relations and Development at the Conference Palace.Damascus November 9…
JOHN X Patriarch of Antioch and All the East Homily on the Tenth Anniversary…
2019-02-01JOHN X Patriarch of Antioch and All the EastHomily on the Tenth Anniversary of Patriarch Kirill’s EnthronementMoscow, February 1,…
Speech of His Beatitude Patriarch John X Russia
2017-12-02Speech of His Beatitude Patriarch John X Russia, December 2017 Your Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Your…