Page 49 - AlNashra issue 2 - 2023
P. 49

trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive forty-day fast, which is the preparation period for

you your trespasses; but if you do not forgive Pascha. This period extends over five Sundays and

men their trespasses, neither will your Father is organized by the Church to teach us under the

forgive your trespasses” (Matthew 6: 15–21). guidance of our holy fathers. The first Sunday is

This is what we say in the Lord’s Prayer when the Sunday of Orthodoxy (Orthodoxy meaning
we pray to the Heavenly Father: “Our Father, the “righteous/correct opinion and glorification)
who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy because we celebrate the victory of the doctrine
kingdom come... Forgive us our trespasses as we of veneration of icons, which was endorsed by the
                                                   Seventh Ecumenical Council, following a fierce
forgive those who trespass against us...” We must  war waged by the enemies of the icon against
therefore not hold others’ transgressions against  it that lasted for decades. The second Sunday is

them, lest the Lord remember ours. That is why Saint Gregory Palamas, one of the great fathers
it has been customary, since the first centuries, who lived in the fourteenth century. He was first
for the faithful community to establish, on the a monk on the Holy Mountain (Mount Athos),

evening of Forgiveness Sunday, that is, on the and then he was chosen to be the Archbishop

eve of Monday, which marks the beginning of of the city of Thessaloniki in Greece. Palamas

Great Lent, the Vespers, in which the worshipers was famous for his writings, as he was a great

seek forgiveness from each other, asking each philosopher and historian, and he entered into

other for forgiveness, saying, “Forgive me.” a theological debate with a person from the

These four Sundays were a preparation for West named Barlaam on the subject of divine
fasting, and we have prepared for it, as you light and divine grace. Barlaam used to say
have noticed, by humility (the Publican and the that the divine light was material and created,
                                                   while Palamas taught, what is of the Church’s
Pharisee), by repentance, which is a return to     faith, that the divine light is not created, and

God (the prodigal son), by acts of compassion, so is the divine grace. They are the glory of the
love, and giving (Meatfare), and finally by uncreated God. For example, when Christ the
forgiveness and reconciliation (Cheesefare). Lord appeared to His disciples Peter, James, and

On the Monday morning that immediately John on Mount Tabor, His light shone on the

follows Cheesefare Sunday, we enter the holy Mount of Transfiguration and overwhelmed

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