Page 47 - AlNashra issue 2 - 2023
P. 47

In this period, we pass through the time of (regarding the first period of the Triodion); as if

fasting in order to reach, at the end, the glorious they wanted to remind us, while we were about

Pascha, the Passover of the Resurrection of our to fast, of the basic meanings of fasting. For this

Lord Jesus Christ from the Dead. As a result, reason, the fathers arranged a commemoration

the liturgical texts arranged by the Church for on every Sunday to keep our eyes fixed and

this joyous season, starting with the Sunday of focused on a specific event. The incident of the

the Publican and the Pharisee, remind us of the Publican and the Pharisee, for example, was

resurrection by directly connecting fasting to it. intended by the Church to teach us, through

Indeed, we are aware that the period preceding the holy fathers, that true fasting was about

Pascha, which begins with the Triodion, is imitating the Publican’s humility and rejecting

divided into two parts: the first is the four the Pharisee’s arrogance and haughtiness. The

Sundays that precede fasting, that is, the Sunday Church intended to teach us from the story of

of the Publican and the Pharisee, the Prodigal the Prodigal Son that repentance is a return to

Son, the Meatfare Sunday (the Sunday of the the Father’s home, where the Father, who is God,

Last Judgment), and the Cheesefare Sunday (the is always waiting for His repentant son to return
Sunday of Forgiveness). The second part is the in order to embrace him and hold him to His
six weeks of fasting that precede the Holy Great chest. In this vein, my dearly beloved, we must
Week, and they are as follows: The Sunday of envision our relationship with the Lord: We are
Orthodoxy (the first Sunday), Gregory Palamas away from Him, but He always opens His hands
(the second Sunday), the Veneration of the Holy and chest to us, waiting for our turning to Him
Cross (the third Sunday), St. John Climacus (the (repentance to Him). As soon as we turn towards
fourth Sunday), and Saint Mary of Egypt (the Him and say, “O Lord,” He quickly runs toward
fifth Sunday, which immediately precedes Palm us and embraces us. Anyone drowning in the
          depths of a problem or calamity seeks the help
          of the Lord and sees a ray of light that dispels the
Why did our holy fathers arrange this specific darkness of the path for him, and a hand (which
order in the Church? The natural answer is that is inevitably the hand of the Lord) reaches out to
they had arranged it in preparation for fasting him to pull him out of the depths of the abyss.

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