Gregory Dialogos, Bishop of Rome
Saint Gregory was born in Rome to noble and wealthy parents about the year 540. While the Saint was still young, his father died. However, his mother, Sylvia, saw to it that her child received a good education in both
secular and spiritual learning. He became Prefect of Rome and sought to please God even while in the world; later, he took up the monastic life; afterwards he was appointed Archdeacon of Rome, then, in 579, apocrisiarius (representative or Papal legate) to Constantinople, where he lived for nearly seven years. He returned to Rome in 585 and was elected Pope in 590. He is renowned especially for his writings and great almsgiving, and also because, on his initiative, missionary work began among the Anglo-Saxon people. It is also from him that Gregorian Chant takes its name; the chanting he had heard at Constantinople had deeply impressed him, and he imported many elements of it into the ecclesiastical chant of Rome. He served as Bishop of that city from 590 to 604.
Apolytikion of Gregory Dialogos, Bishop of Rome in the Fourth Tone
A model of faith and the image of gentleness, the example of your life has shown you forth to your sheep-fold to be a master of temperance. You obtained thus through being lowly, gifts from on high, and riches through poverty. Gregory, our father and priest of priests, intercede with Christ our God that He may save our souls.
Kontakion of Gregory Dialogos, Bishop of Rome in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone
To thee, who art the Church's tuneful harp inspired of God, thou tongue of wisdom who wast verily possessed of God, unto thee, as it is meet, we now offer praises; for thou truly hadst the zeal of the Apostles' choir and didst follow in their footsteps as their worthy heir; and to thee we say: Rejoice, divine Father Gregory.
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