The Environment Day
His Beatitude John X, in his pastoral letter on 17 – 2 – 2013, article 12 –“Commitment to Earthly Affairs “, addresses Man and the Environment, and says:
“…Our attention to Humankind and the responsibility of the States and Governments in regard to protecting man’s freedoms, calming down his concerns and worries, and planting Joy in his Milieu .This appeals to the whole Creation.
Our World has known ever since the last decade, an unprecedented environmental degradation whose consequences threaten the Human Life on Earth. We have already developed, in our Antiochian Church, a long range project on “Environment and proper handling with it”. We’ll try to put these projects into practice. We shall also try to widen participation in this local and international concern, for “the whole creation is called to praise God.”
In this sequence, the workers in “Voice of the Grace”, have translated “Praiseworthy words in the Creation of God”, into Arabic; and they have chanted and sung some parts of it ,on the mentioned Radio on “The Environment Day.”
The Script was written by MetropolitanTryphon Turkestanov, who died in 1934
- Appraise for the Creation of God
The First Contakion
“Lord the incorruptible, your right hand controls all the seasons of human Life, according to your divine dispensation for us. We thank you for all the blessings, those we know, and those we don’t. We thank you for our earthly life and for the heavenly joy we expect in your coming kingdom. Stretch out your mercies on us singing:”Glory to you God unto ages of ages.”
The First oikos:
“I was born weak, a naked child, but your angel has protected me and my cradle, with his bright wings .Your Love has illumined my paths, ever since I was born .He directed me amazingly towards eternal light. Ever since I was born, up to this moment you have been granting me exquisitely, and generously, with beauty, all your talents .I thank you. I thank you with those who are yours, who have known you crying: Glory to thee, for you have called me to being.”
- Glory to thee you have surrounded me with the beauty of this world.
- Glory to thee you have revealed to me, through the sky and Earth, the book of your eternal wisdom.
- Glory to your immortality in this passing world.
- Glory to your mercies the visible and the invisible
- Glory to you for all the sighs of my grief and sadness.
- Glory to you for every pace I have covered along the journey of my life.
- Glory to you God unto ages of ages.
- The Second Oikos
“You brought us into this life like someone who walks into a charming Paradise. We have seen the heavens as a deep blue cup playing with birds in the light blue heights .We have heard the heavenly sounds of the jungles, and the glimmering of the running water .We tasted the scented fruits, with the tasty delicious honey .How gentle our journey with you is! How beautiful is it to make us your guests?
Glory to you for the feast of Life.
Glory to you for the fragrance of roses and lilies.
Glory to you for every tasty thing, with strawberries and fruits.
Glory to you for the shining silver radiance that is in the earthly morning dew.
Glory to you for every smiling and peaceful awakening.
Glory to you for the eternal life in us which is from above
Glory to you God unto ages of ages.
- The seventh Oikos:
The flowing of the Holy Spirit illumines the minds of the artists, poets and scientists.
Their great minds receive from you prophetic visions, in your judgment.
They also reveal to us the fathomless and creative wisdom of yours.
Their works, unintendedly, speak of you. How great are you in your creation!
How great are you in Man!
Glory to you for your reveal your inconceivable might in the laws of the Universe.
Glories to you, for your laws penetrate the whole nature.
Glory to you for all that you have revealed to us through your goodness.
Glory to you for all that you have hidden away from us ,because of your Wisdom.
Glory to you, for you have created the human mind
Glories to you, for you strengthen our effort for work and labor.
Glory to you for the fiery tongues that emit inspiration.
Glory to you God unto ages of ages .Amen.
The ninth Contakion:
Why does the whole Nature smile mystically on the Feast Day? Why are our hearts filled with a wonderful light incomparable to any earthly thing? Air itself, in the temple, and in the House of God, becomes glittering and bright; This is a fore-taste of Grace ,and an image of the glory of Thabor.The Heaven & the Earth chant this hymn.Helleilouia.
- The ninth oikos:
When you inspire me to serve my neighbour, and to make Humility and meekness shine in my inner Chamber, the radiance of your light creeps deep into my heart that glows like iron in the furnace. Only then I behold mystically your hidden countenance.
Glories to you for you transform our life with acts of Love.
Glories to you for you make your Commandments exceedingly sweet.
Glory to you for you are clearly present in your scented Ruth and Mercy
Glories to you for you make us stand amidst tragedies & failures, in order to make us sensitive towards others in pain.
Glory to you for you promise to grant us your blessings abundantly in reward for good acts.
Glories to you for you accept our loving hearts.
Glory to you for you place Love on top of everything, on Earth and in Heaven
Glory to you God unto ages of ages. Amen.
You may refer to the complete text of the Hymn on (http://orthodoxengland.org.UK/akathist .htm

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