A report about some of the 3rd day events- in the…
The irenic visit of His Beatitude Patriarch to the Patriarchate of Moscow and all Russia - a report about some of the 3rd day events- in the evening- Moscow.
In the evening, the event was totally Antiochian entitled “the Antiochian glow in Moscow”. This glow was strengthened and built by His Eminence the Most Reverend Niphon Saykali, Archbishop of Philolopolis, the representative of His Beatitude John X Patriarch of Antioch in Moscow, taking care of it with love and generosity, laying a cornerstone for many years.
In the Church of the representative office in Moscow, a big crowd of believers gathered, inside and outside of the church: Russians, from the Arabic community, ambassadors, consuls Arabs and Foreign, civilians, politicians... etc. where took place the official welcoming ceremony of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill and his delegation by His Beatitude John X Patriarch of Antioch and all the east.
A thanksgiving prayer was held with exchanging of speeches and gifts.
His Eminence, Saykali, Archbishiop Niphon welcomed His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, expressing his happiness for the presence of the heads of the two Churches: Antioch and Moscow in a Church in which the icons of Antiochian and Russian saints are painted side by side. His Eminence reminded about the history of this representative church, and how it grew since 1840 forming a bridge of love, peace and co-operation between Antioch and Moscow.
Thereafter, the Imperial Orthodox Russian- Palestinian Assembly offered His Beatitude John X the decoration of Bethlehem’s star, offered by the assembly’s representative. Afterwards, there was a dinner in the honor of Patriarch John X and the accompanied Antiochian delegation, in the residence of the Antiochian representative, organized by His Eminence Niphon, in which took part more than 50 persons including Arab and foreign ambassadors in Moscow, beside some Russian politicians like the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs in Russia Mr. Michael Bogandov, and Metropolitan Hillarion who presided the delegation of the Russian Church in the dinner.
At the end of the dinner, His Beatitude John offered His Eminence Niphon an “Amophorion” which makes part of the liturgical vestments to be used by an archbishop, embroidered by the nuns of the monastery of the Lady Mary- Blemmana, expressing the bonds of love, communion and gratitude for the great effort that His Eminence is doing.
Then, His Beatitude addressed the invitees talking about the features and peculiarities of the Antiochian Orthodox testimony in Syria, Lebanon and all the East, and its national role. A fragment of what he says: “We are a Church with an Orthodox identity, Eastern passion, , loyal to our nation. We believe in dialogue for its existence.
“Our loyalty to our countries made us a part of the first row of those who have been classified at the beginning of the 20th century as the “Arab Liberation Movement” that included Muslims and Christians. This national loyalty in our Orthodox Church of Antioch finds its echo in the historical role which our Church played and still”