Say Our Father
Say Our Father, even if you do not live as a son; perhaps this would remind you that God is your Father.
Say “Who are in Heaven”, even if you only think of worldly things; perhaps this would lift your mind to Heaven.
Say “Hallowed be Thy Name” even if you only glorify your own name; perhaps this would bring you the thought that without God your name is nothing.
Say “Thy Kingdom come”, even though if you only seek possessions; perhaps this would urge you to desire the Kingdom of God.
Say “Thy will be done”, even though you only do your own will; perhaps this way you realize that the will of God is your holiness.
Say “Give us this day our substantial bread”, even if you cling to the material exclusively; perhaps this would free your body from the earthly.
Say “Forgive us today our trespasses”, even though you do not forgive the others’ mistakes against you; perhaps this way you will realize that forgiving is Heaven’s door.
Say “Lead us not into temptation”, although you lead yourself into temptation; perhaps this will lead you to follow the path of righteousness and truth.
Say “deliver us from evil”, even if you have nothing but evil intentions; perhaps this way you will know that God is your only Savior.
Say “Amen”, although you might not mean it; perhaps this would awake your conscience to be a faithful servant of Him who is Amen.

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