A statement issued by the Holy Antiochian Synod
The Holy Antiochian Synod was held and presided by his beatitude John the x .And The following bishops attended :
* Georgios (of mount Lebanon)
* John (of lattakia)
* Elias(of Beirut)
* Elias (of Tyre &Saida)
* Antonios(of Mexico,Venizuella,Mid America, The Carribean Islands)
* Damaskinos(of Sao Paulo & Brazil)
* Saba(of Horan and The Arab Mount)
* George (of Homs)
* Silouan(of Argentina)
* Basilios(of Akkar)
* Ephrem(of Tripoli)
* Iqnatius(of France &S. W. Europe)
* Issac (of Germany ,mid Europe)
* Gattas(of Iraq &Kuwait)
* Silouan(of British Islands &Ireland)
* Also partook of the meeting bishop Ephrem Malouli(secretary of the Holy Synod, and Rev. father George Dimas(clerk of the Holy Synod)
There were some absent bishops, they are:
* His eminence Elia (of Hama)
* His eminence Sergius (of Chile &Santiago)
* Joseph (of N. York &North America)
* Paul (of Aleppo &Alexandretta) who is encaptivated , but is present through the prayers of the Fathers of the Synod).
After calling down the Holy Spirit, the Fathers of the Synod welcomed his eminence Silouan (of British Islands & Ireland),-newly installed. The meeting began with the exposition
of the situation in the Antiochian Dioceses with the necessity of the act of Charity.
The Fathers studied the reports concerning the preparation for the great Pan- Orthodox Council. They decided to accept the document pertaining to “the relationships of the orthodox church with the Christian world “ .And the other, pertaining to “ the contribution of the Orthodox Church, to the actualization of Christian principles on peace, freedom, fraternity and love among the nations , besides , the removal of racial segregation. With some other additions.
They also emphasized the orthodox position ever since the beginning of the preparations for the great Pan- Orthodox Council, and the necessity of “consensus” whether be it in the call for the meeting, or in the quorum, or in decision making.
The Fathers presented the report on “communication among the dioceses”, and that on “family” .They also studied recommendations on both reports evaluating all efforts exerted.
They also discussed the situation of the diocese of Zahle & Baalbek, and heard the report prepared and presented by his eminence Basilios of Akkar the patriarchal representative. They discussed his beatitude’s receiving of a group of people from Zahle ,and listening to the questions they raised to him .After that, the Holy Synod elected Rev. father Yunan the abbot of Bkiftine Monastery, to be the archbishop of Zahle.
The Fathers prayed for a long life to the predecessor (his eminence bishop Spiridon) and gave thanks to bishop Basilios (of Akkar) for the efforts he is exerting in Zahle.
They stopped at the pains of the Syrians whose suffering has been increasing for 5 years .They prayed that God may cure their wounds. They also stressed the importance of peace settlement in Syria and the Middle East, for only peace can put an end to the suffering of the people of the region.
They renewed the call to their children to be well-rooted in their land ‘and to be witnesses of the risen Lord who Conquered death by death.
They also repeated the call for love to be rooted in Syria and all the East ‘ and called on the whole world deeply and seriously for the they issue of kidnapping the 2 bishops of Aleppo Paul Yazzigi &John Ibrahim which the world is not taking seriously and wholeheartedly .
They welcomed the dialogue among the political partners in Lebanon hoping to witness the election of a new president who can secure order in the institutional performance, and bring back the role and position that Lebanon had enjoyed in the past among the other states of the world.
They called on the Lebanese deputies to feel C responsible .They also called on the Lebanese government to secure the pre-requisites of life for the people suffering on social and economical levels at a time where the state services have almost collapsed.
They stressed the necessity of the general freedm guaranteed by the Constitution, especially “freedom of expression” which Lebanon is known to have.
The Fathers of the Synod prayed for Iraq and all the Arab countries .They also raised supplications that God may implement peace and security in the region .They also condemned what the Palestinians are exposed to, and called on the whole world for a quick solution for their cause.
The Fathers also prayed for their children at home and raised supplications that God may grant mercy to the world, and that the whole region be over-whelmned with peace that can wipe out distress and spread joy all over the World .