The Patriarchate
1- The Patriarchate – Damascus, Syria
Tel: +963 11 5424400 /1 /2 /3
Fax: +963 11 5424404Postal Address: Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East
P.O. Box 9 Damascus, SyriaFacebook Page:
2- Patriarchal Residence – Balamand
Tel: +961 6 931 257 / +961 6 933 257
Fax: +961 6 931 258Postal Address: Patriarchal Residence – Balamand - Koura, Lebanon
3- Antioch – Turkey
Priest: Reverend Father Dimitri Dogum
Tel: +90 326 213 6496
Fax: +90 532 524 2735E-mail: