The Conception of St. John the Baptist
09-23This came to pass fifteen months before the birth of Christ, after the vision of the Angel that Zacharias, the father of the Forerunner, saw in the…
Phocas the Martyr, Bishop of Sinope
09-22Latinized form of the Greek name Φωκας (Phokas), which meant "a seal" from…
Jonah the prophet
09-21Jonah the prophet Jonah the prophet was mentioned in two places in the…
Sophia & her three daughters
09-17The Holy Martyrs Saint Sophia and her Daughters Faith, Hope and Love were born in Italy. Their mother was a pious Christian widow who named her…
St Euphemia visiting St Paisios
One day Father Paisios was going through a very difficult phase. A problem was created in the Church at that time and many bishops had gone to him to…
Saint Euphemia the Great Martyr
09-16Means "to use words of good omen" from Greek () "good" and φημι (phemi) "to speak, to…
Nikitas the Great Martyr
09-15This Saint was of high birth among the Goths beyond the Danube River. He was taken by Athanaric, pagan ruler of the Goths, and after being tortured,…
Saint Cornelius the Centurion and Martyr
09-13Saint Cornelius was a Roman by race, a pagan by religion, a centurion in rank, an inhabitant of Caesarea of Palestine, a man pious and God-fearing…