في رسامة سلوان أونر متروبوليتًا على الجزر…
Extract from the homily of his beatitude John X
30 August 2015
To our beloved faithful in the UK and Ireland, we present our new metropolitan. It is the "divine grace" which chose him, as the liturgical text affirms, and it is the same grace which will support him and strengthen him in his new mission.
Sayedna, it is an act full of meanings and messages that took place today. In the consecration of the bishops in the Orthodox Church, there is a gospel which shadows the head of consecrated bishop. Therefore, the newly ordained bishop is supposed to consider always this episode and to try always to embody it in his life of service. In other words, the spirit comes down on you from the holy gospel, and through you, the same spirit will overshadow all the flock entrusted to your paternal care. The Gospel has to be always opened since it is the source of life for the good flock entrusted to the good pastor.
To you beloved faithful of the British Isles and Ireland, we present our love and care with this ordination and with this ordained. We congratulate the pastor with his flock and we congratulate the flock with his pastor. Also we are confident that you, the flock will be a strength for the beloved bishop as he will be also a strength for you. May the apostolic blessing be with all of you present here, with all our beloved faithful of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of the British Isles and Ireland and may the mercies of our great God and savior Jesus Christ be with you all.

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